Newton Carroll Associate Direct: 804.439.3813 • Email MeDownload Bio as PDF PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Newton is a Richmond native, with vast knowledge of Richmond’s history and culture, as well as it’s economic growth. A lifetime of observations and experiences, in both...
David Feibish p: (804) 967-2735 • Email Me David, Selling Richmond Since 1976, is a native of Richmond and a graduate of University of Richmond. He has an insider’s knowledge of the City of Richmond and surrounding metropolitan areas. David’s many years of...
Bernard Heyward Associate Direct: 804.317.7777 • Email MeDownload Bio as PDF PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Before joining Joyner Commercial, Bernard has had many years of success as a business owner. As such he has strived to provide his clients with good advice in their...
Lou Johnson, ALC, GRI Associate Direct: 804.967.2758 • Email MeDownload Bio as PDF PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Lou Elam Johnson, a graduate of Hollins College and St. Catherine’s School, has been active in real estate sales since 1978. She is an Accredited Land...
Bill Phillips, CCIM Senior Associate Direct: 804.967.2739 • Email MeDownload Bio as PDF PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND A native to Richmond, Bill brings his years of construction industry, project and property management experience since 1995 all together under the...