Newton Carroll

Newton Carroll

Newton Carroll Associate Direct: 804.439.3813 • Email MeDownload Bio as PDF PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Newton is a Richmond native, with vast knowledge of Richmond’s history and culture, as well as it’s economic growth. A lifetime of observations and experiences, in both...
David Feibish

David Feibish

David Feibish p: (804) 967-2735 • Email Me David, Selling Richmond Since 1976, is a native of Richmond and a graduate of University of Richmond. He has an insider’s knowledge of the City of Richmond and surrounding metropolitan areas. David’s many years of...
Bernard Heyward

Bernard Heyward

Bernard Heyward Associate Direct: 804.317.7777 • Email MeDownload Bio as PDF PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Before joining Joyner Commercial, Bernard has had many years of success as a business owner. As such he has strived to provide his clients with good advice in their...
Lou Johnson

Lou Johnson

Lou Johnson, ALC, GRI Associate Direct: 804.967.2758 • Email MeDownload Bio as PDF PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Lou Elam Johnson, a graduate of Hollins College and St. Catherine’s School, has been active in real estate sales since 1978. She is an Accredited Land...
Bill Phillips, CCIM

Bill Phillips, CCIM

Bill Phillips, CCIM Senior Associate Direct: 804.967.2739 • Email MeDownload Bio as PDF PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND A native to Richmond, Bill brings his years of construction industry, project and property management experience since 1995 all together under the...